Artist's monologue
Često se dešava da su gledaoci na izložbama lišeni mogućnosti razgovora sa autorom i nemaju priliku da ga podrobno ispitaju kakav je smisao dao svojim delima, te njegovo stvaralaštvo možemo razumeti isključivo kroz prizmu sopstvenog shvatanja i našeg ličnog iskustva. Mada, toliko želimo da znamo šta je to zaokupiralo tvorca u momentu stvaranja i slaže li se naše shvatanje sa idejom koju je autor prikazao u svojim delima.

Sudbina mi je dala mogućnost da posmatram život jedne likovne kolinije od trenutka njenog nastanka, sve do zatvaranja. Tokom nekolikih sezona sam odlazio tamo, upoznavao se sa gostima, radio njihove portrete i snimao na diktafonu intervjue sa njima, u kojima sam svakome postavio samo dva pitanja: „Ko si ti?“ i „Šta radiš?“ Nekada davno sam čitao knjigu Ričarda Baha „Illusions: The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah“ – junaku je predlagano da sebi postavi ova pitanja tokom života i prati kako se menjaju odgovori. Dok sam radio na intervjuima, bilo mi je veoma interesantno da posmatram kako se menjaju odgovori mojih sagovornika. Svako od njih se nalazio na različitim etapama svojih životnih i stvaralačkih puteva – od studenta-umetnika do profesora Akademije umetnosti.

Tako je nastao projekat „Monolog umetnika“ – serija portreta i intervjua ljudi koji se bave stvaralaštvom. Zamišljajući ovaj projekat, želeo sam da otkrijem šta je to savremena umetnost i šta pokreće ljude koji se njome bave. Želeo sam da, posmatranjem umetnika, njegove radionice i razgovorom sa umetnikom, razumem njegovo stvaralaštvo. Kao rezultat sam dobio nešto mnogo veće – seriju predavanja o filozofiji umetnosti i stvaralaštva, dostigao sam novi njivo svojoj profesiji i počeo da razmišljam o raznolikim pristupima umetnika svetu.
I’m dreaming of flying through space. It seems that the time doesn’t exist here and I’m out of our world. The space around me is full of silvery mauve light; it looks like an endless dawn. I notice that the place is not as empty as it seems at first glance - crystal-clear spheres, like giant soap bubbles, are swaying on the waves of light. I’m surrounded with hundreds or thousands of bubbles - they’re everywhere, as far as the eye can see. I notice that there is a person inside of each bubble.
Bubble dwellers are saying something. Each of them is saying something different, so that the whole space is full of quiet monotonous hubbub. One person, barely distinguishable, is whispering a prayer in a long-forgotten language. The other one is telling the story of his ancient clan. Another person is explaining the meaning of existence in a well-tuned voice of a radio host.
I move closer to one of the bubbles, the voice becomes clearer. The sphere doesn’t interfere with the sound, so you can listen to what the person sitting inside is talking about, you can speak with him. I ask who he is and what is it that he’s doing here. The answer is - he’s an artist, he creates his own world. It turns out that one cannot create a picture without creating the rest of the world which lies around it.
Who are you? What do you do? I try to question each of them; I try to save their answers. And there is no end to the crystal-clear spheres, just as there is no end to the worlds that are being created.